Help! My new CEO wants me to ignore due processes for which I am accountable and has threatened me. What should I do?
Abi answers your governance quandaries.
September 11th 2021

Help! I have mounting financial pressure due to quality defects and I don’t know if my employees are incompetent or defrauding me.
Abi answers your governance quandaries.
September 18th 2021

Help! I am a professional service provider. I suspect team members in the HR Directorate in a client firm are sharing my proposal ideas and getting kickbacks from “friendly” firms.
Abi answers your governance quandaries.
September 25th 2021

Help! I have joined a board whose Chair and CEO seemed to support good governance and have effective governance policies and procedures, but I have discovered they are engaged in illegal price fixing with a competitor.
Abi answers your governance quandaries.
October 21st 2021
Dear Abi answers your quandaries each week.
Helping you address your governance predicaments with pragmatic governance advice relevant to your African context.
Read her answers and add your comments on LinkedIn and Instagram using the hashtag #butterflycoalitionchangemaker
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